Monday, January 5, 2009

Stimulus plan

President-elect Obama landed in Washington, DC, yesterday andimmediately began pushing his $1 trillion "stimulus" plan.Obama proudly boasted that "80 percent" of the new jobs he wants to create will be in the public sector.

But that means Obama wants to add 600,000 to the already bloated government payroll!

And pressure is already being put on Congress to fast-track Obama's plan.

+ + 11,000 Resisters needed today!Grassfire's Patriotic Resistance just crossed 330,000 members.

That means we need to rally 11,000 new Patriotic Resisters every day to reach our goal by Inauguration Day -- so we are ready to fight for our liberties from Day One of Obama's administration.

Join the Resistance today:
+ + ResistNet online community is growing!

Also, our ResistNet online community is growing rapidly. Thousandsof citizens are joining this Facebook-like community, linking up with other conservatives, posting to their own blogs, and getting the latest intel from the Grassfire team.

It takes just seconds to get started on ResistNet. Go here to sign up: are a few recent forums and blogs now on ResistNet:

--Pelosi Reverses House Fairness Rules

--Obama Served on Anti-Second Amendment Foundation

--Constitutional Crisis: Obama's Citizenship (Part I)

--Conservatives Can Unite Around the Constitution

--Praying for the new presidentFor more information on ResistNet:

Thank you for taking a stand and for joining this Patriotic Resistance!

Steve Elliott,

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